Feng shui is a traditional Chinese concept, literally meaning “wind and water”, concerning the flow of positive energy, known as Ch’i, and how it relates to objects in a space. According to its principles, how you arrange the decor in your home matters, and it can impact your sense of wellbeing. Naturally then, it makes sense to start with your bedroom, the place where you go for peaceful, restorative sleep.
The good news is making a few feng shui changes is easy, here’s how:
1. Use light calming colours
Begin with neutrals then add richer, accent colours (in small portions) that bring you the type of energy that matches your intentions; red acts as a stimulator, pink for love, orange for happiness, yellow for health, green for healing, blue for confidence, deeper blues for wisdom, purple for adventure, black for reflection, white for clarity, brown for security and grey to invite helpfulness.
2. Place the bed diagonally opposite the entrance
This allows you to see anyone who enters your bedroom, whilst preventing chi energy from rushing over you while you sleep, since it enters and leaves a room through windows and doors. You especially don't want your bed facing the door as this position is called the coffin or dead man position because when you lie down, your feet or head are facing the door. It also shouldn’t share a wall with a bathroom or be placed directly beneath beams. This can cause illness because the beam is "cutting" across the body.
3. Choose a bed with a strong headboard, which is lifted off the ground
This will allow energy to circulate freely, as long as you don’t store things under your bed, which is said to be like “sleeping on your problems”. Choosing a strong, sturdy headboard will make you feel comfortable, supported and protected, preventing any sense of movement behind you and creating a more secure feeling over a bare wall.
4. Pay attention to sense of symmetry
The use of objects or subjects in pairs is the ultimate symbol of marriage and therefore is said to improve your love life. If the painting or object you select isn't a pair, simply use two of them to symbolise the union between lovers.
5. Declutter your space
Having lots of clutter causes stress and blocks the flow of positive energy. According to the principles of feng shui, both books and materials related to work should also be kept outside the bedroom. This will allow you to turn off your mind more effectively when it is time for rest. You also shouldn’t use your bedroom as a gym.
6. Choose artwork which reflects your personal style
Decorate with artwork that displays positive imagery or connotations, like a fun, inspiring or motivational sayings. The master bedroom can become a vital feng shui resource to promote a happy marriage and good romantic relationship. Through artwork, you can attract auspicious ch'i energy to generate a stronger martial bond. Birds are perhaps the best symbol of marital love and should always be displayed in pairs. A pair of swans also symbolises marital fidelity and bliss.
If you're single, you can use the same symbols for marital bliss to attract romantic love into your life. All art choices should be uplifting, inspiring, and conducive to relaxation.
For good feng shui, art should not be hung directly above the bed for fear of it falling on us at night. The best location for excellent symmetry, is to place a piece of artwork above each nightstand.
7. Don’t place mirrors where you can be reflected as you sleep
For good health and peaceful sleep, mirrors should be avoided in bedrooms. According to Vastu, if there is a mirror in the bedroom then it should not face the bed and should be kept as far away from the bed as possible as this effect can be draining and distracting while you’re trying to sleep.
8. Minimise electronics
These give off electromagnetic energy while you sleep. Keep smaller items, like an alarm clock or your smartphone, at least three feet from where you rest your head.
9. Avoid sharp edges
A jagged, pointy edge doesn’t feel inviting. Some items like dressers and nightstands you may not be able to help, but you can soften your space by adding more natural decor like plants, lamps, sculptures and other smooth edges.
10. Add drapes or curtains
By adding darker drapes or curtains, along both sides of the window, it will create a cosier feel and minimise any uncomfortable feelings of being “spied” upon.
And lastly, don’t get bogged down by the rules! Every home, bedroom and person is different and good feng shui can be achieved even if some of these rules are bent based on your own space and preferences.
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