5 Top tips for working from home
As a business with a permanent home working space, we are used to spending plenty of time holed up in there, but even we are starting to get cabin fever. There are so many distractions, from the kids shouting downstairs, to the lure of the 24hr news or social media.
So if this whole working from home thing is new to you, how are you coping? With the lockdown showing no immediate signs of easing, we thought we'd put together some top tips to keep you inspired and motivated to keep showing up everyday.
1. Don't underestimate the importance of getting dressed. It might still seem like a novelty to roll out of bed straight to your desk, but it won't help your mindset and productivity. Making sure you get dressed everyday (okay a power suit is probably overkill) and taking care of your appearance is also taking care of your mental health. Oh, and don't forget you've still got to show up for all those zoom calls.
2. Find your workspace - You might not have a dedicated workspace at home, so how do you keep work and home separate? Even if there is not a spare room to commandeer, try and create a separate space in your home. Designate a corner, preferably somewhere with good natural light, and a comfy chair, away from distractions. If even this is not possible, make sure to pack up your work things and turn off your laptop at the end of each day to signify leaving work. If you have a home office space available, spend some time clearing the clutter and getting organised. Why not add a pin board or some inspiring artwork to keep you motivated, or add some houseplants to bring the outside in. You can read our previous blog post about the 6 best air purifying house plants if you're interested to know more.
Image courtesy of @margo.hupert.art
3. Keep to office hours - It's tempting to work all hours at home, but never switching off is detrimental to your mental health and well-being. If you're juggling home working with home schooling then setting and communicating boundaries is key to your success. During this time, if the kids have more screen time than usual, it won't kill them. Don't beat yourself up about not doing enough, this situation is unprecedented, it won't last forever and yes YOU are doing a great job.
4. Signify the beginning and end of the day - If you're a commuter or normally travel to work after dropping kids then maybe getting out for your daily exercise first thing will help clear your head ready for a day at the desk. Why not get involved in Joe Wicks with the kids, they'll appreciate the time spent with them and you'll blow off some cobwebs, frustrations and boost those feel good endorphins. Whatever works for you, try and incorporate something to signify the beginning and end of the day and help you transition into your down time.
5. Stay social and take a break - Don't forget to have real conversations, we can all be tempted to rely on What's App, Slack or Trello to communicate with colleagues but especially in times of social isolation, you can't beat a phone call for human connection. Taking a break from the screen is equally important, so remember to get up, stretch your legs and recharge.